Matovu Job

Thesis: A Secure Framework to Mitigate Transaction Fabrication Attacks in Mobile Payment Systems

University: Makerere University - MUK

Level: PhD | Year: 2022 | Status: Ongoing Research

Research Area: Mobile and Wireless Technologies

Research Abstract

This research seeks to contribute to the understanding of mobile payment systems security with focus on transaction fabrication attacks.  The work focuses on mobile money transactions and the concerns of authentication, confidentiality, integrity and anonymity. Consumers worldwide find that mobile payment systems are quick, convenient and time saving thus are beneficial.  However, they have set of drawbacks like; privacy issues, online crime, technical infrastructure is a prerequisite and as a such, Mobile Payment Systems are burdened with data and financial loss to individuals, organizations and governments especially at the withdraw point where electronic money changes to physical cash. Thus, seeking to contribute to improving security at the withdraw point of mobile money system through a review of primary and secondary data preferably that not more than 5 years old (2015-2020). The study presents the evolution of payment systems, detailing existing approaches to mobile payment security and discussion the existing security research gaps. Holding a Pragmatic Philosophical stand with Abduction and a Case Study strategy. Mixed Methods are proposed along with Design Science as research and design methodologies guiding the tools and techniques that will drive actions and interpretations in the research process. In the event that this study is not done, more data and financial loss is likely to be witnessed by the users of mobile payment systems from criminals wherever they may find a weakness.