Authors / Contributors: Hilda Mpirirwe; Drake Patrick Mirembe; Jude Lubega; Joab E. Agaba
Abstract: COVID-19 pandemic accelerated consumptions of e-services in the Ugandan education sector. This study aims at establishing the type of e-learning platforms adopted by educational institutions... ReadMore
Authors / Contributors: Job Matovu; Drake Patrick Mirembe; Odongo Steven Eyobu
Abstract: This study investigates the evolution of mobile payment systems, desired security requirements and the level of security awareness and practices among mobile money users in Uganda. Through a... ReadMore
Authors / Contributors: Dr.Drake Mirembe, Prof.Jude Lubega, Prof.Martha Kibuka Musoke, Ms.Fiona Nambogo and John Paul Ategeka
Information Communication Technologies like the Internet and Social media, have proliferated all aspects of human life; from education, health, business to entertainment. Given the unique position of ... ReadMore
Authors / Contributors: Prof. Jude Lubega & Dr. Drake Mirembe
It is well documented that in Uganda, agriculture employs over 70% of the population, of which, the majority are youth and women. Also, a number of studies show that both locally and internationally, ... ReadMore
Authors / Contributors: Prof.dr. Henk G. Sol
Decision Enhancement (DE) is a field of practice aimed at extending lessons, principles and tools built up over a thirty year period, largely under the term ‘Decision Support’. Enhancement goes be... ReadMore