Supervisor Research Seminar
A group of selected PhDs and graduate Students attend the supervisor research seminar at Makerere University, College of Computing and IS, facilitated by DR. Drake.P.Mirembe as a new strategy to ensure that research is completed on time and undergoes proper supervision before Publications as preliminary activities for the new regional center of engaged scholarship.
The research seminar is a fundamental part of scholarly activity for a first-rank research. By bringing together scholars working in closely allied fields and providing a formal structure of their interaction, it furthers the scholar’s research goals of each participant. As importantly, this research seminar aims to create professional seriousness within scholars, by encouraging scholarly interaction above and beyond the requisite classroom and departmental service with growing scholarly strength in many humanities program, this model of professionalism is particularly important since it offers a forum for exchanging with new ideas and the promotion of new research and with debate among the research community, by the end of this program scholars should have profited from this research seminars in their top-tier graduate programs as professionalize graduate students and convey  inherent seriousness of scholarly endeavor.
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